It’s Just the Nature of Humans

“If l were a tree, l would have no reason to love humans,” Maggie Stiefvater. The marks humans leave are often too scars. Its funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality. Humans see what they want to see. Well, l am a human myself, not the most perfect one but at this stage in life, l have also been able to study human nature and how cruel they can be. Still on photography, ever wondered how photographs can be used to study the nature of humans?. Take a good look at the photos below.

A protester wearing a shirt that reads ‘Please stop the Violence’ is dragged away on May 29, 2020 four days after George Floyd’s killing.

Without the captions, you can easily relate what was actually happening. With a better view at the photography, you will notice the black man being dragged away by the white cop and his colleagues. Nevertheless, why would they pull him away like that for protesting over the rights of a fellow black man killed in cold blood?. Of course he has the right to but he is being shut down before he furthers his attempts. People are fast at noticing others mistakes but very blind at theirs. We all are very good lawyers for our own blunders but very good judges for the omissions of others. Most of the time when someone is wronged, all they can think of is payback. Given the ability or chance to do something substandard, even the so called weak people will surprise you. It only takes one wrong step or idea to do something adverse and it immediately takes root and clouds your judgement. The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no more good thereafter. Doing an evil did can be less strainous but nursing from it is another path that very few people can walk through and reach the end successfully. Now try and think about the kind of reactions and actions taken by people who have been heartbroken by the patners.

Silhouette images of people doing evil

Most heartbreaks lead most of the human emotions into doing evil to their patners in order to heal. Some do harm to themselves i.e. commit suicide with an explanation that they can’t live without those who heartbroke them. Its just the nature of humans, right?. The photos above help us learn how the nature of humans can lead to evil. Humans can stab you from the back. It might not be the actual stabbing with a knife, but going behind your back and doing something evil to you. While others are capable of looking you into your eyes and watch you die. It is best adviced to first learn the nature of people before you call them your friends. Otherwise you will end up being disappointed. That’s a very obvious observation because out there, people have plenty of testimonies which they are willing to share for free about choosing your friends wisely.

Published by mellonysam

Nothing much to describe who lam..its me..just me.

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